Position and attachment are the keys to comfortable breastfeeding. Its not rocket science if it hurts a lot, it’s not quite right. Check out this video by Dr. Jack Newman about position and attachement:
Don’t wait until you are really sore, ask for help from your midwife, health visitor, a friend or family member who has breastfed. You could also seek help from breastfeeding peer supporters in your area who are mums trained with up-to-date info.
LINK: Baby Cafe
Mums, study your breasts whilst you are pregnant. Which way do your nipples face: up, down, out to the side? Are they they same on both sides? Whatever the angle, guide baby in from this. Check out this leaflet from ‘Breast Cancer Care’ about how your breasts might change during pregnancy.
LINK: Breast changes during and after pregnancy
Positioning – The Basics
- Bring baby to mum instead of breast to baby. Hanging over your baby can cause discomfort for mum and baby may struggle to attach.
- Line babies nose up with mums nipple. This enables baby to tip their head back and open wide. Imagine hanging a coat on a peg, up and over the top.
- Try cradling baby round the nape, to avoid touching a little head that might be tender.
- With baby’s head tipped back aim for them to open wide and attach.
- Try turning baby to face mum, with neck and shoulders in line. (Experiment drinking a cup of tea, looking over your shoulder. It’s not comfortable and tea leaks out of the corners of your mouth!)
- As baby attaches, count to ten. It should be unusual but beareable.
- If not, break the suction with your little finger and start again.
- Mum may feel the ‘let down’ reflex when the milk starts to flow.
- The ‘letdown’ feels different for every woman. Some feel nothing, some describe a drawing feeling or pins and needles.
- For signs of good attachment check out https://www.nct.org.uk/parenting/attachment-and-positioning-successful-breastfeeding